1st Floor, Reg Harris Lane, Alice Springs
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Den­tal Implants are an excel­lent advance­ment in mod­ern den­tistry. In most sit­u­a­tions they are the best replace­ment for miss­ing teeth. With care­ful plan­ning and treat­ment den­tal implants can rebuild your smile with reli­able, com­fort­able, long last­ing tooth replacements.

Replace­ments that bite and chew just like real teeth, look and feel fresh and nat­ur­al. Done well they have a very favourable long term suc­cess rate and can help sup­port your oth­er teeth with­out tak­ing any­thing away from them.

In many cas­es den­tal Implant treat­ment is straight­for­ward and car­ried out under local anaes­thet­ic like oth­er den­tistry is. Patients will often say they were sur­prised at how easy their treat­ment was, and how their new den­tal implant feels like a real tooth after just a short while. Den­tal implant treat­ment usu­al­ly takes months to com­plete.

This long treat­ment time allows for the sup­port­ing bone and gums to grow and remod­el to the new Implants. This also helps afford­abil­i­ty as pay­ments for the work are spread over the treat­ment time.

Some peo­ple aren’t good can­di­dates for Den­tal Implants, a gen­er­al health mat­ter or insuf­fi­cient jaw bone may make oth­er den­tal treat­ments bet­ter choic­es for your mouth.

If you are in the posi­tion of know­ing a tooth or teeth will be lost soon we can help plan your tran­si­tion to implants and some­times even place your implant at the time of the tooth extrac­tion. These implants are called Imme­di­ate implants.

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What do they look like?

Dental implants are titanium insert(s) that are used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all the teeth. Implants can help in avoiding the need for partial or full dentures or can be used to stabilise dentures. Implants provide people with functional and aesthetic results. Often specific x-rays are required to check the amount and quality of bone available for an implant.

To find out more about implants do not hesitate to call us on 8952 6055. We can book a consultation appointment for you with Dr Alison Wissman and find out what can be done for you.

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DentiCare Payment Plan

Our interest free dental payment plan gives you the freedom to have the dental treatment you need whilst managing the payment of your treatment with easy regular payments!

DentiCare is a third party Direct Debit Payment Plan which allows you to pay for your Dental Treatment over a period of time. It is a fully automated payment plan system specifically designed to manage payment plans with little fuss. You are able to choose to do Direct Debits from your bank account or credit card.

Book an Appointment

For all dental checkups or enquires about possible treatments please call or stop by our office to make an appointment.

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